Saturday, May 26, 2012

These are the book clubs I belong to on
 1. The readers Review: Literature from 1800 to 1910
 2. Victorians
 3. Classics and the western canon
 4. Discovering Russian Literature
 5. Should have read classics
7. The 1700-1939 book club.
This is the list of the what they will be reading in June:
1. On study in scarlet
2. Jane Eyre
3. Resurrection
4. Fahrenheit 451
5. The Painted Veil
6. The Red and the Black

Shelfari is discussing  "The eyes were watching god by Zora Neal Hurston.


  1. I almost forgot the I joined some book clubs on The reading room. I wanted to mention this to have a place to look when looking for book club sites.

  2. I started reading the "The Red and The Black by Stendhal" with the group "Litherature Review".
