Sunday, May 27, 2012

book one: May 1- 10: Ch. 1-10

So far, The good is a good read.  I do stumble from time to  time in my reading.  For example,  In the beginning of chapter one gives a description of the city varrieries. I though it was hard to vistualize but i did get i deas from the threads on goodreads.  The chapter also tells the type of people that live there, stern and out for prestige.  Then the author introduce you to julien who become the main character. I got the impression from the author to feel sorry for julien because of the abuse from his father and brothers.  Then I'm given a reason as why I should not, he hates the rich and villian.  He falls in love and has an affair with this employer wife that gives him the reputation of villiany from everyone in the varrieires.

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